Norwood Park Dog Park


Dogs love the new Norwood Park DFA!

  3 Responses to “Norwood Park Dog Park”

  1. Looks like there are going to be changes at Norwood Park this year. We received this notice from the Norwood Park Dog Association:

    A meeting was held Monday 4/30 at the Norwood Park Field house by Alderman Mary O’Connor and State Rep. Michael McAuliffe. The topic of discussion was the relocation of the Dog Friendly Area. About 100 were in attendance to hear that the DFA will be relocated to the NE end of Norwood Park along Avondale. It will be 10,500 sq. feet with 2 entrances at either end. It will also have benches, water, lights and no time restrictions (other than park hours). The surface will both asphalt and gravel. Other capital improvements including ADA upgrades and basketball court enhancements will also be done throughout the park. We were able to see the plans and construction should start in June and we were told it would take 6 weeks to complete. The NPDA will hopefully be able to work with the park district with the final plans. The current DFA area will remain open until the new area is ready. So please respect the neighbors and help us to keep the area clean. We thank everyone who turned out to support us. It is still going to take everyone’s efforts to keep this on the right track.

  2. Notice from the 41st Ward Alderman, as posted on the Norwood Dog Park Facebook page:

    August 26, 2011 
    Dear Residents,
    Over the last three months, my office has received countless telephone calls, 
    emails, and weekly office visits regarding the Dog Friendly Area at Norwood Park. 
    As a result, my staff and I have spent considerable time and energy on this issue 
    in the hopes of finding a compromise.
    While we have faced many other pressing issues in the ward which have required 
    immediate attention, we have always taken the time to listen to everyone's ideas 
    and opinions on the DFA.
    In order for my staff and I to run a productive ward office that can serve the 
    interests of all my constituents, I am respectfully asking that you allow me to 
    work this out internally with officials from the Chicago Park District.
    Moving forward, my staff and I will keep you informed of any new developments
    as we continue to work toward a suitable resolution to the current situation. 
    The DFA hours will now be as follows:
    Friday, August 26, 2011 - Sunday, September 4, 2011
    9:00am - 8:00pm
    Monday, September 5, 2011 (Labor Day)
    10:00am- 4:00pm
    From September 5th forward
    Monday - Friday 9:00am - 8:00pm
    Saturday - Sunday 9:00am - 5:00pm
    The Norwood Park staff will open and close the DFA. Please note Park District
    holiday hours will apply.
    Again, I appreciate all your input and understanding regarding the Norwood Park
    Dog Friendly Area.
    Mary O'Connor 
    Alderman, 41st Ward
  3. I love this dog park. Sadly, I had to put down one of my English Springer Spaniels (Charley) this week. The remaining dog, 11-year old Dude, discovered the park this week. We’ve been going to the park all week to distract The Dude from the loss of his buddy.

    This park is a real asset to the community. The dogs are friendly and placeful. Their people are conscientious, keeping everything clean and being good neighbors to all. I felt like a welcome member, as did The Dude. Neal, thank you so much for your work in producing their neighborhood center.

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