Mar 012011

This is a map of Stray Voltage Locations identified in a recent article by CBS 2 Investigators in Chicago (published 3.1.11).  There are 46 locations listed. One location is in the South Loop, at 14th & Indiana.

Click on the image for an interactive map available at BatchGeo.  An Excel sheet listing the locations is available here.

  2 Responses to “Dangerous Stray Voltage Locations in Chicago”

  1. What is the cause of these stray voltage areas? We are trying to locate areas like this but primarily looking for electrical substations.

  2. From an SLDogPAC board member:

    There is also one on the south of 16th St between Indiana and Prairie…just east of the alley. One of mine got zapped…she’s fine. I called 311 but I don’t trust that it’s been fixed.

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