Oct 202016

The Chicago Park District recently tested for lead levels in its water fountains around the city.

Here are the results the Chicago Park District reported for the water fountains in our South Loop Dog Parks.  Numbers are in parts per billion.  ‘U‘ means “not detected at the laboratory reporting limit and/or method detection limit”


Fountain 33 High              <2.0 U

Fountain 33 Dog               <2.0 U


Fountain 1 High                  <2.0 U

Fountain 1 Low                    2.1

Fountain 1 Dog                    <2.0 U

Anderson (Fred)

Fountain 1 High                  <2.0 U

Fountain 1 Low                   <2.0 U

Fountain 2 High                  <2.0 U

Fountain 2 Low                    <2.0 U

Fountain 3 High                  <2.0 U

Fountain 3 Low                    <2.0 U

There’s no information about d’Angelo Park DFA – that park is still under the control of CDOT.

Source: http://www.chicagoparkdistrict.com/assets/1/7/Water_Fountain_Testing_Final_Results.pdf


 Posted by on October 20, 2016

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