Dec 082011
Well, we finally have some concrete information about the $4 million budget figure that has been floated previously.
Included in the funding ordinance titled “Intergovernmental agreement and associated conveyance of property to Chicago Park District” which was submitted to the City Council on 11/16/11 and which is now under consideration by the Committee on Finance, is an ‘Exhibit D’.
“The current estimate of the cost of the Project is $3,985,000. The Park District has delivered to the Commissioner a project budget for the Project attached as Exhibit D attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof.”
And here are the numbers:
Estimated Cost Uses Budget
$1,500,000 Environmental
$255,000 DFA features
$250,000 Bridge
$215,000 Design fees
$200,000 Art enhancements
$155,000 Surfacing (softscape, berm, artificial turf)
$150,000 Stormwater /utilities
$150,000 Shade Shelter/Pavillion (with heat)
$130,000 Surfacing
$130,000 Landscaping
$125,000 Paving
$115,000 Fencing
$110,000 Site Furnishings
$100,000 Enhanced topography through park
$100,000 Concrete retaining wall terrace / seating
$75,000 Site Lighting
$65,000 ROW reconstruction items
$75,000 Irrigations system
$75,000 Multi-colored art turf pattern
$10,000 Kiosk/Bulletin Board
Total: $3,985,000