Jan 172011

We don’t know much yet, but here’s what we’ve been told by the contractor who was pulling down the fencing on the north side of the park today:


  • Verizon is installing new cell towers in the space between the park and the maintenance building.


  • They are going to have to bring in cranes and equipment, and need to have access to the area – hence the takeover of the park.

  • The process is going to take on the order of a month (‘industry standard’ for such an installation), but no guarantees.


  • Everything will be “put back as it was before” once the installation is complete.

You can make your own inferences about some of the issues here!

For now, the only access to the park is from the south entrance.

The ‘interior fencing’ appears to be secure, and your dogs should have access to the south end, the full gravel area, and the area around the kiosk at the north.

The SLDogPAC has contacted Chicago Park District personnel to get some answers, and we’ll put up another post when we have more information.

 Posted by on January 17, 2011
Dec 162010

We received this reminder from StreetZaps.com.  Watch out for your dogs out there, particularly in the winter months!


Blair Sorrel, Founder


Contact voltage is a chronic hidden hazard that can readily victimize an unsuspecting dog, walker, or both. No dog lover could possibly observe a more horrifying scene than witnessing his beloved pet instantaneously maimed or tragically electrocuted. When you exercise your pooch, please exercise greater prudence. Common outdoor electrical and metal fixtures may shock or even kill your vulnerable dog. And depending upon the current, the walker will be bitten and like poor Aric Roman, suffer permanently. But you can, indeed, self-protect.

Just start to adopt this simple strategy — EYEBALL THE BLOCK, AND AVOID A SHOCK.

  • Take a few seconds and make your trajectory toward generally safer, free standing, non-conductive surfaces, ie., plastic, wood, cardboard. Intuit your dog’s cues and if it’s resistant, change directions.
  • Work site perimeters may be live so try to elude them. If necessary, switch sides of the street or your hands when leading to skirt hazards.
  • If you traverse the same route, you may memorize locations of potential dangers.
  • Carry your pooch when in doubt.

Consider indoor restroom products like PottyPark when external conditions are chancy or RopeNGo’s hardware-free leash and harness. And don’t rely on dog booties as a palliative as they will actually put your pet at even greater risk since the dog can’t tell you they’re leaking!

To learn to more, please see StreetZaps. A safer walk is yours year round if you are willing to open to your eyes and mind to it

 Posted by on December 16, 2010
Dec 052010

Interesting news in Alderman Pat Dowell’s December 3 2010 Ward Newsletter – an effort is underway to locate a dog park in the nearby Bronzeville neighborhood!

Possible New Bronzeville Dog Park


Bronzeville resident Ephraim Lee has been working with Alderman Pat Dowell and her Chief of Staff, Audrey Wade to create a dog park for Bronzeville. Below is the text of a letter he sent to the Third Ward office and asked to be shared with Third Ward residents. Please let Ephraim and the Third Ward Office know what you think.

Greetings to all residents of Bronzeville; my name is Ephraim Lee and I am writing this letter to announce some exciting news. As a dog owner I have found it difficult to find open and inviting places within our community that allows our dogs the freedom of running, playing, and socializing with one another, and I know that I am not alone in this dilemma. Well, after speaking with Alderwoman Patricia Dowell and her wonderful assistant Audrey Wade, we have decided that what is missing in this community is a public dog park/run.

It is well known that dog owners everywhere love and cherish their pets, and that is no less so here in Bronzeville. A dog park would give our four-legged companions-and us-places to meet and mingle, sniff, and stretch their legs. Information could be shared about the numerous changes in our pet’s healthcare, or where to locate a very responsible veterinarian. Of course as a community we would be primarily responsible for its upkeep and maintenance, but this should not present a problem in the least.

But in order to make this dream a reality, we need everyone’s help in the search for the perfect lot on which to build. Please note that the lot in question has to be of manageable size, and as centrally located as possible. All entries will be accepted and after careful review the winning lot will be selected, graveled, and fenced in, for our pet’s enjoyment. Smells will be kept at a minimum through everyone picking up after their furry friend, and a plastic baggie container will be placed on site for collections. One other thing that bears noting is the fact that many vacant lots are privately owned, and if this is the case that said lot might not be picked for the site. I will make sure that all updates on this search are placed in the monthly newsletter, issued each month by the alderwoman’s office, or if you prefer, you can be contacted via e-mail.

So for all suggestions and picks, please e-mail them to: xhle@hotmail.com, or contact me by phone at: (773)556-6665. I look forward to everyone pitching in and helping me give those four legged friends who love us, a place to love!

We applaud Mr Lee’s efforts to create a new dog park for Bronzeville!

 Posted by on December 5, 2010
Dec 032010

These are images of preliminary dog park design proposals for the 16th & Wabash park that were recently discussed publicly for the first time.

These are works in progress and they present two different visions – Plan A: a curvilinear droplet of a dog park surrounded by people friendly* pathways and defined by grassy berms. Plan B: a rectilinear block of a park that plays off the diagonal arrangement of different surfaces – artificial grass, decomposed granite and asphalt.

Public areas at the north end of the park are being designed to facilitate access by True Rock Ministries for church events.

The current space is about 1.1 acres in total (click for full size; image is to scale with the drawings):

Plan A (click for full size):

Plan B (click for full size):

Note the inclusion of ‘small dog’ and ‘large dog’ areas, and the use of various surface materials in the park.

Also note the inclusion of a ‘concession area’ in both plans.  In plan A, this area would be associated directly with a restaurant being developed to open in the building south of the park.

Alderman Fioretti’s office is soliciting input: ‘For more information and to make comments, please email the project team at: 1629Wabash@gmail.com.’

We at the South Loop Dog PAC would like to hear your ideas, as well.  Feel free to comment here or to email us your comments and ideas.

We’ll continue to discuss the issues raised by this project on this website as the project develops.

*Not ‘resident friendly’ as is stated (and here) in contrast to ‘dog friendly’!  Dog owners are residents of the South Loop.

 Posted by on December 3, 2010
Dec 012010

So, it has been about eleven months since the South Loop Dog PAC started supplying dog poo bags at the two South Loop dog parks, and we can now estimate the total number of bags that we’re going to have to supply each year.

How many bags? Twenty two thousand.

(Yes, that’s 22,000.)

That is a lot of bags.

22000 bags/year is about 1800 bags/month, or about 61 bags each day.

That’s 61 poos picked up each day*.

That’s 22000 poos picked up each year, with your support.

This is a good thing.

How much did it cost us?  Well, each bag costs $0.032, plus the volunteer time donated to refill the dispensers.

The two dispensers cost about $100, and we can amortize that over a few years…

So 61 bags/day is about $1.92.  Or, 61 poos picked up for less than two dollars a day.

That is money well spent.

*What is the ‘bag efficiency’?   How many bags are stolen?  Wasted?  We don’t know yet. We do try to track usage, but don’t have complete information.  A few people are coordinating this effort, and we don’t have time to do everything!

Yes, it would help if an army of volunteers were willing to step forward! Please do!

 Posted by on December 1, 2010
Aug 212010

There’s a new dog park at Adams & Sangamon in the West Loop .

It’s a small park, but an interesting space, located on the west side of Bartelme park on Sangamon street:

Interesting that there’s no ‘pea gravel’ in the park, only the different concrete levels and several patches of artificial dog turf.

There’s a very nice self-filling water fountain located at the center of the park (it’s obscured by the tree at the front of this picture).

No poo bag dispensers yet. And there’s only one entrance, on the sidewalk at the far end in this picture.

Will the dogs get used to the space? Will they take to the artificial dog grass?  Will they be happy fetching in the triangular layout?

The concrete levels do provide some interesting sitting space for the humans.

And, you can really tell it’s a dog friendly area – according to the Chicago Park District – because if you put a huge chain on your dog, then you can let her smell the flowers!

 Posted by on August 21, 2010
Jun 152010

One of the two most common questions that people bring up is – “Why is the Grant Bark Park surfaced with asphalt?“.*

A reasonable question.  The last thing I think any of us would propose de novo is to build an off-leash dog park that looks like the parking lot at your local mall:

The Chicago Park District requires that DFA be hard-surfaced, and states that hard surfaces prevent transmission of bacteria and viruses. But this is not some bureaucrat’s whim, and there’s a history behind the decision.

The proponents of the first dog park in Chicago, Wiggly Field, spent a lot of time trying to figure out the best surface for an off leash area in the City.  They noticed that grass quickly became mud, and they carried out tests for the parasites left behind in various surfaces, with the help of veterinary consultants.  They approached the issue of determining the appropriate surface for dog ‘friendly’ areas thoughtfully.  And it was their input that guided the policy decision made in 2000.  Their work is written up in the attached document, which we’re posting with permission of Stacey Hawk of DAWG:

Click to download a PDF version of the document

For those of us concerned about the off-leash dog ares in Chicago, this is an important read.   The priority issue is clearly stated: Infectious Disease Control.  On page 2 of the document, the issues and concerns with various surfaces are explored, and the argument is made for requiring a hard-surface at ‘DFA’s, and for allowing a pea-gravel relief area (with some constraints).

There are also some revealing compromises stated up front –  particularly, that “dog guardians should ideally cross-train and exercise their dogs in various environments“.

This is a document that impacts all of us as dog people in the City.  The evidence and arguments supporting the ‘hard surface’ decision were provided by dog advocates, not by bureaucrats.  Those of us who believe that ‘dog park as parking lot’ is a reductio ad absurdum will have to acknowledge and address the issues raised in this report if we are to propose a different direction.

* The other being – Where is that dog park, anyway?

Jun 132010

I went by GBP yesterday to refill the bag dispenser and noticed some things –

  • The CPD Plumbing Dept has installed a valve on the water hydrant at the center of the park.  I am not a plumber, but from my conversation with Mike the plumber from the CPD my understanding is that this is a 3 ft deep freezeless water source that is designed so that the standpipe drains out when the water source is turned off for winter.  It was not installed for and it’s not designed for our application – watering dogs!   I was assured that it only takes a little pressure on the turnkey to turn off the hydrant, but on Friday, I found that I could not turn off the water source that way at all!  So, we leave the hydrant on, control the water flow with the new valve, and hope for the best!
  • We can add the water timer again, but the only one I found  in the lock box was jammed up with a broken fitting.  I took it home to fix.
  • People are putting poo bags in the sand container.  This is not a good thing, and we should probably move the container up by the gates (since it is a trash can…).   Perhaps it could be converted to be used as a bona fide trash container near the lock box, but I don’t know if CPD staff would clean it out.  We’ll check into this possibility.
  • For some reason, people are taking the combination lock off (‘WOOF’!) and leaving it in the lock box.  What’s up with this?  Who are ‘people‘?  If long term we want to store supplies in the box, like the 1000’s of dog poo bags that we use a year at GBP, it’s going to have to be left securely locked.  This has to become practice, or else IMHO we need to put a keyed lock on the lock box sometime this summer.
  • Both of the main drains were completely plugged by accumulated dog hair!  Yikes!  I found that the best way to get this up was to use a poo bag to scrape it up and then toss it in the trash.  This is a task listed in the ‘Got A Minute‘ flyer,  but clearly people at the park don’t ‘have much time’ for this – we’re going to need to come up with a better way to communicate the need to take care of this on an ongoing basis.

Jun 132010

The South Loop Dog PAC has a new Facebook page.

Facebook users – ‘Like’ our Page and become a ‘fan’ and you’ll get updates from our (website) Blog, our (twitter) Tweets, and our (facebook) Wall sent directly to your Facebook home!

We’ll be retiring the old Facebook ‘Group’ soon!

May 112010

On May 1st,  South Loop Dog PAC coordinated with representatives of two other Chicago ‘Dog “Friendly Area’ committees, Puptown and Churchill Park, to represent Chicago dog area committees at Bark in the Park.  Some pictures from the event:

Debby Kotzen (Churchill Park) and John Lenti (Puptown) spread the word.

Pamela Focia (SLDogPAC) watches over our display.

Puptown's display of hats and T-shirts. Nice stuff.

Churchill Dog Park had T-shirts and Calendars available. The committee has a long term fund raising vision - represented by the fire hydrant waiting to be 'filled' - that should translate into some cool projects down the road.

Discussing dog issues of the day.

This seemed like a useful exercise, but we didn’t sell much, if anything.  A bunch of people took membership information from the parks they frequented, and we hope this translates into ongoing support. If we do do this again, we should be clear that the function is to raise awareness of the role of DFA Committees in maintaining the off leash areas in Chicago, not fundraising. Next time, we might want to have a banner of some sort, and try to get more of the Chicago DFA support groups involved. We do have a Facebook page already!

Some things we learned:

  • By far most of the people we asked were completely unaware that all dog friendly areas in Chicago are user-supported. This is a failure of communication by the city and the Chicago Park District. We will be bringing this to their attention – all DFA license holders should understand from the moment they pick up their tag: your off leash dog park is maintained by users like you, not by the City!
  • The most requested information was ‘where are the dog parks‘.  Luckily we had made one copy of a Google map that showed the location of the DFAs in Chicago, but for the future – we need more of these.  We’ll be adding a link to the map on this website soon.
  • And… John Lenti of Puptown is truly a masterful ‘barker‘ (pun intended).
May 102010

Thanks to Stephanie, Janet, Pam, Doug, & Katie from Soggy Paws for their help with the cleanup of Coliseum Park Dog Run on Saturday May 8th.

We made a couple of improvements to the gravel containment, both on a trial basis.  Window screening was installed along the fence at the north end of the park:

Screening is about 2' high along the fence, and flashed under the gravel.

And, plastic fencing grid was installed along the fence at the south end of the park.

The mesh is about 2' high. The little 'blip's are cable ties.

We’ll keep an eye on these installations to see whether they hold up over time and weather, and whether they do the job they’re supposed to do – keep the gravel from those areas inside the park.  Longer term, we’re thinking of wrapping the whole park in one or the other barrier to keep gravel in and to keep trash out.  If you have a better idea, please let us know.

We tried to power wash the surface, as well.  Unfortunately, your power-washers didn’t really know what they were doing, so the job is incomplete.  Overall the place is much cleaner, but next time, we’ll do it right.  (We’ll be using the power washer during the Grant Bark Park cleanup next Sunday May 16th, and will probably do a much better job!)

We also moved the storage shed and sand bin into the enclosed area at the south end of the park.  We purchased a 75 foot hose, which, thanks to the CPD plumbing department’s installation of a faucet off the water fountain, should prove to be quite useful in the future.  We’ll be installing a configurable combination lock on the shed to keep our materials safe.  You’re welcome to guess what the combination will be.

Thanks Pam!

Some lessons learned:

  • Powerwashing takes a long time.  If we are going to do this properly, it will probably require volunteers to work different parts of the park on different days.
  • Because the drainage in the dog run is incredibly poorly constructed, there’s no way to escape having pools of dirty water around each of the drains at the end of the day. That means that there’s a need for a ‘second shift’ to cleanup that mess after it dries up.
  • It is impossible to power wash the gravel in the patches at Coliseum Park dog run.  It is unconfined and will just go flying.
  • There is no point simply replacing the gravel in the patches;  if the SLDogPAC is going to pay for additional gravel replacement, we will have to require that there be some means to constrain the gravel in those patches, as has been discussed elsewhere in this blog.
  • We wonder if the poo bag dispenser is fostering a ‘poo bag dependency’.  When the bag dispenser was out for a few days last week, an abnormally large number of orphan poos were left behind at the park.  This may be a phenomenon worth discussing in the future. Share your bags? Call or tweet? You know what to do.
  • There sure are a lot of cigarette butts left behind in the gravel… a dog & a smoke?
May 042010

The May newsletter from our new business member Dogone Fun! includes a nice shout-out for the SLDogPAC.

Thanks y’all!

But I gotta say, we wish it only cost ” a minimum of $400 per year to maintain” the parks 😮 It’s more like $4000 +🙂 And like you point out, that money does not just show up, it only comes from memberships and donations.

Breaking news: Dogone Fun! is going to participate with the South Loop Dog PAC in the Grant Bark Park Spring Cleanup on Sunday May 16th.  Watch for the announcement!

May 042010

We’re planning a Spring Cleanup at Coliseum Park for this Saturday May 8th, at 8 AM.

Here’s the proposed task list:

a)    General

  1. Pick up poo
  2. Restock bag dispenser
  3. General sweeping & trash
  4. Trash in EL support ‘pockets’
  5. Rake pea gravel
  6. Gravel shoveling back to gravel areas
  7. Powerwash hard surfaces
  8. Powerwash gravel
  9. Install fencing fabric
  10. Block off area around drain
  11. Resurface area around north drain
  12. Fencing spot repairs (e.g. where torn, use wire)
  13. Remove nanny sign (‘Pick Up’)
  14. Rust remover or steel wool on water fountain
  15. Remove the ‘DogPAC’ banner
  16. Remove old GotAMinutes and replace with new GotAMinutes
  17. Cleanup area outside but bordering the DFA fence
  18. Spray clean benches

b)    Possible

  1. Paint water fountain.
  2. Cut the chain lock on the ‘Shed’
  3. Move the ‘Shed’ into the Sequestered area and re-lock
  4. Repair the fence support cup on the South end

c)    Planning & Discussion

  1. Plan installation of concrete/stone shelf at south end gravel area
  2. Discuss resurfacing the gravel triangles by the water fountain
  3. Plan device to prevent small dog escape at the gate-gaps

A couple of issues:

  • We will be supplying a powerwasher, but I don’t think any of us knows how to use it yet.  Hijinks ensue.
  • We want to install fencing ‘fabric’ to prevent gravel drift out of the dog run.  But don’t really know what to purchase yet.
  • None of us knows anything concrete about asphalt surface repair.  We’ll talk to the guys and gals at the big box store.

So… if you think you could help in planning what we need to do on Saturday, yes, we need your help, and welcome it.

Comments, call, tweet, or email!

Mar 262010

It’s spring, there’s no water in the park… When will it be turned on?

The best we know is this, from Janis Taylor of the Park District:

I’ll check and get back to you but it is usually the first few weeks of April…
1st or 2nd week in April was the response.

Jan 142010

There’s a report that last week two dogs were shocked in Chicago.  This time of year can be particularly dangerous – recall that in February 2007 a dog was electrocuted in Grant Park – so be careful out there.  The SLDogPAC would like to hear about any incidents and has put this issue on its agenda.  Unfortunately we have a LOT going on, so if you’d like to help, please let us know –  join, email, or tweet.  Thanks to Blair Sorrel of StreetZaps for the heads-up.  We’ve put a link to the StreetZaps site in our sidebar.

 Posted by on January 14, 2010
Nov 052009

How about changing from this:

these_patches_must_be_replaced to this:    gravel_bs

The former is the way the worthless little gravel areas in the Coliseum Park DFA are currently ‘designed’. Features include:

  • Gravel is at or above grade level
  • Gravel spills out all over the place (and out of the park)
  • Odd little triangles throughout the ‘DFA’

The latter is they way the dog relief areas at the Burnham Station Condominiums were built. Features include:

  • Space is defined by landscape timbers.
  • Space was excavated to put the gravel below grade level.
  • No spillage at all.

However, the cost for four (4) of these spaces at Burnham Station was about $3600, total.  That’s a lot of money.

If we focused on one or two  areas in the Coliseum Park DFA – say, the north and south ends of the run – and did away with the rest, maybe this would be feasible? The gravel areas would still require cleaning and gravel replacement every year or two, but there wouldn’t be gravel spilling out all over the place onto the walkways and onto the street.  And the DFA would look one increment less of a dump.  It may be worth a shot, but at this point who knows whether the user community would support the cost.  (Hint:  the CPD is not going to do this – we asked)??

 Posted by on November 5, 2009
Oct 082009

IMG_0312🙂  Good news – we finally installed a ‘Dog Waste Bag Dispenser’ at Grant Bark Park and have committed to keeping it filled. If you forget a bag, feel free to take one.  And if it’s empty or near empty, please please call usemail, or tweet @sldogpac – DogPAC members are NOT going to be patrolling it on a daily basis, if that.

😥 Bad news – the water timer installed at the Bark Park has finally broken!  It lasted, what, a month!?!   But it did NOT fall apart like the first one.  Instead, it seems to have fallen victim to crappy user interface design – it looks like someone twisted it the wrong way until the internal mechanism broke.

🙂 Good news – no big deal, it’s getting colder and the Chicago Park District will probably be turning off the water soon.  And, we have another in reserve, so we’ll label that up with arrows and squares and a diagram on the back, and post the instructions when time comes to reinstall it.

😈 Grant Park 001Bad news – it seems that advertisements on the kiosk are no more – Janis Taylor of the CPD writes:

Park District staff visited the park recently and saw that there was a sign posted on the kiosk selling advertisement space (see attached). Please remove this immediately.  It is against Park District policy and, as was stated at the city-wide meeting, dfa committees are not permitted to allow companies to advertise in exchange for money or other benefits.

Thank you,


That sign has been up for, what, a couple of years?? Who knew?

 Posted by on October 8, 2009